Oily Skin and Pimples in the Summer: How to Prevent them

Summer season seems like zits season for some. When the sun is up and sun-kissed skin begs to be flaunted, it’s also when acne and pimples come out. Needless to say, skin breakouts make you freak out. Who wouldn’t? Your face is suddenly home to unwanted, unsightly zits. Before you start doing your war against breakouts, know that summer, with its record-high temperature is really a trigger for oily skin and pimples. That, and other factors which you may not be too aware of.
What causes oily skin and pimples
- Heat
Summer heat is the major culprit. It prompts the skin to excessively produce sebum that clogs the pores, leading to acne and pimples. Likewise, sweating also pushes the “acne button” as sweat sits on your face for long, mixing it with oil, dirt, and pollution. When this happens, pores are clogged and acne-causing bacteria begin to breed. - Skin Irritation
You can always blame your pesky skin breakouts on the heat, but we hate to burst your bubble: you could be blamed too. When you excessively perspire, the default reaction is to wipe your face with your shirt, dry it with any available sheet, wipe it using your fingers, or powder-dry your face with talc to let it mattify and get rid of the greasy shine. Unknowingly, all these touching and wiping let you breed new bacteria and irritate your skin. - Too Much A/C
It’s hot and there’s not much you can do other than enjoy the cool comforts of an air conditioner. But when you start blasting the A/C air straight on your face, you start removing moisture or humidity in the air which could be extremely drying. The effect: your skin overproduces oil to compensate for the dryness. Even if it looks matte, you get oily skin and clogged pores. - Skin fixes that don’t really fix.
Skin breakouts make you freak out. Panic is real; so does the tendency to reach for any available quick skin fix. Reaching out for heavy duty skin solutions, mindlessly loading up on skin treatments, over exfoliation, and a lot more. All these can alter your skin balance, causing you more harm than good.How then do you prevent oily skin and pimples during summer? We give you some handy tips.
How to break free from summer skin breakouts
- Don’t over exfoliate.
Over exfoliation during summer months sends signals to your skin to produce more sebum. It creates oils to “make up for” everything it has been stripped off when you over exfoliated. Limit your exfoliation to once a week or every 10 days. You can also go for mild toners (preferably with antioxidants) to get rid of dead skin cells without having to resort to excessive exfoliation. - Go for light, oil-free skin care products.
The last thing you need this summer is to load up on heavy, oil-based skin products that will only clog your pores. Go for water-based, non comedogenic, oil-free products that will protect you and let your skin pores breathe. As SPF is essential to protect yourself from the sun, go for water-based sunscreen if you can. For women, avoid thick, heavy layers of make-up. For men, use alcohol-free after shave products that won’t dry out your skin. - Frequently wash your hair.
Dirt and bacteria thrive on hair, especially during summer when everyone’s almost always out. Notice those little zits on your forehead and side cheeks? Strands of hair like bangs or those layered wisps of hair framing the face can transfer germs on your face, potentially causing acne. Hence, it’s best to regularly wash your hair and keep your hair strands off your face. Headbands, hair ties, and clips should keep you pimple-free and looking neat. - Wash off your sweat.
Don’t give sweat a chance to sit long on your skin. Rinse the face to wash off your perspiration. But remember to not over wash or excessively rub your skin. The goal is just to avoid sweat, oil, and germs sit long on your pores and not to disrupt your skin’s balance. Avoid blotting your face with your clothes or wiping your perspiration using fingers. Clearly, avoid touching your face at all costs. Have a ready clean sheet to use. Wash your face with water. You may use gentle, fragrance-free cleansers, but limit using them up to 2 times a day. - Shower immediately after exercising.
Take a bath after a sweaty activity. Antibacterial body wash and soap bars preferably with salicylic acid (for those prone to blackheads) and benzoyl peroxide (for those with inflamed pimples) help fight acne mechanica — a type of acne brought about by excess heat, sweating, and rubbing of skin. - Keep beddings clean.
Keep in mind that bed covers and pillow cases can also be causes for skin breakouts. This is especially true during the summer season when we sweat a lot and perspiration is trapped in our beddings. Then too, you may have accidentally rested on your bed without washing your face and body. Know that pillows and sheets can collect bacteria. Hence, it’s best to regularly change pillow cases once a week and bed sheets every after two weeks.
You can’t totally beat summer’s heat but you can always do something to prevent it from wreaking havoc on your skin. Aside from taking care of your skin and observing proper hygiene, it helps to know that medications with Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc are of great help. Through regular intake, these skin-boosting ingredients help fight pimple-causing bacteria, lessen pimples, and improve skin’s health and appearance. Lactoferrin has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation and excessive oil production. d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. Zinc has oil-regulating properties that help improve skin appearance.
Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc is the generic name of Lactezin.
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
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