Are My Acne Products Working?

With the wide range of acne products available in the market, one would wonder just how effective they really are. Let us look deeper into what makes these acne products work, and how to determine what is best for your skin.
What to expect when taking acne products
A lot of people who try acne products for the first time can be impatient about getting immediate results, when in fact it often takes a few weeks to a couple of months to see the full effects of your treatment. Depending on the severity of your acne, it would have to be treated with either topical creams and ointments or oral acne medication. The process may be long and tedious, but giving the medication the time it needs to work would benefit you in the long run.
Some treatments can initially cause mild side effects like redness or dry and flaky skin. This is normal for most medication, as your skin needs to adjust to the treatment you are subjecting it to. Be sure to consult with your doctor or dermatologist about the side effects that you should expect. If the first few weeks of treatment has passed and you still suffer from side effects with no visible improvement for your acne it is best to ask your dermatologist to change your treatment or medication.

What may not be working
There may be several factors as to why your treatment may not be working well for you. A barebones skincare routine, for example, may be the root cause of your acne in the first place. Not cleaning your skin regularly can lead to clogged pores, preventing your skin from fully absorbing the treatment you are giving it. If you are using topical creams and ointments, it is best to remember that you should not forget to apply moisturizer as well. Majority of the topical treatments reduce your skin’s natural oil production and dries out your skin, so you should take care to balance out your skin’s natural chemistry by applying gentle toners and moisturizers that will not counteract the work done by your acne products.
When all the products do not seem to work, you may also want to consider looking into your lifestyle. Your diet and a stress-filled environment may be the culprits for your acne products’ ineffectiveness. Food items like dairy and those that have high sugar content may affect the chemical balance of your hormones, and may ultimately result in acne formation and inflammation. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep hours, and reducing your stress levels all contribute to a clearer and overall healthier skin.
It is important to determine how your body responds to different acne products, as each individual has different needs. Your dermatologist may recommend FDA-approved products such as Lactezin to treat your acne and prevent it from appearing in the future with regular use. Having undergone four clinical studies to determine its effectiveness in different age groups, Lactezin shows much promise in the midst of the vast array of acne products committed to helping you care better for your skin.
Results are based on clinical studies and may vary depending on the individual. There is no guarantee of specific results. Please see full disclaimer: Disclaimer
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref No. U083P031521LS