Blackhead Vacuum Devices: Do They Really Work?

If there’s one word to describe blackheads, stubborn would definitely be it. From squeezing to pore strips and even painful peel-off masks, you’ve probably tried every method that claims to remove them. Another promising blackhead treatment you may have encountered online is the blackhead vacuum. But what is it and is it worth the hype it’s getting?
What are pore vacuum devices?
It’s exactly what it sounds like. A pore vacuum device is a little handheld tool that sucks up dead skin cells and debris trapped in your skin. If you have encountered a video of this online, the blogger smooths the cleaners over their skin and we get amazed as the skin gets sucked into the little machine and blackheads look as though they’ve been magically removed. It leaves your skin instantly smooth, much like the effect of pore strips and blackhead-removing masks.
Are they safe to use?
At the end of these videos, bloggers usually rave about how smooth their skin feels immediately after. But while it looks great on camera, this kind of tool doesn’t really do any good for your skin in the long run.
Pore vacuums may be good for removing blackheads that have already been loosened. But one major concern is the strength of the vacuum. Dermatologists warn that if the suction is too high, it might bruise the skin. This is called telangiectasia, which occurs when you have superficial blood vessels that dilate because of too much suction or pressure on the surface of the skin. These broken blood vessels appear thin, red, and thread-like. They can be permanent and would require laser treatments to remove them.
Don’t dermatologists also use vacuum devices, one may argue. However, the blackhead vacuums that are usually out in the market are lower-grade versions than the ones professionals use. Plus, these tools are always better in the hands of professionals because they are able to tell which areas need more or less suction and to use lower suction to make sure that the skin isn’t damaged.
If you’re also thinking that it’s okay to put up with a little redness, the instant-smoothening effect of the vacuum really isn’t as impressive as it seems. The truth is, the majority of what is being removed are actually sebaceous filaments, which are the lining of an enlarged pore/follicle and the skin’s attempt of protecting itself. So you’re essentially removing your skin’s natural protection and putting it at risk.
How to remove blackheads safely
These blemishes may be stubborn but they can definitely be managed with a good skincare routine and a healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple steps and products that you can follow to easily lessen blackheads.
- Wash your face with a gentle, water-soluble cleanser that contains a chemical exfoliator. These types of cleansers can gently exfoliate the skin while thoroughly cleaning it.
- Use oil-free gel moisturizers. Gel moisturizer is the way to go especially if you have oily skin.
- Consider using a retinol treatment. Retinol promotes quick cell turnover, which helps pores be less susceptible to getting clogged. It also works to improve the way the skin grows and sheds so it decreases acne production.
If you want to help lessen blackheads from the inside, why not incorporate Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc (Lactezin) into your skincare routine? Its formulation of ingredients help treat different kinds of acne problems including blackheads. Lactoferrin helps fight pimple-causing bacteria, reduces sebum and inflammation, Vitamin E helps maintain healthy skin cells, and Zinc has oil-regulating properties that help heal and rejuvenate skin.
Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc is the generic name of Lactezin. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.