How to Choose Acne Products for Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, there has always been the struggle of trying out new products that may help solve your skin problems, but not knowing if they would make your condition worse.
Here are some tips for choosing the right acne products for your skin type.
Test First, Apply Second: even if you do not have sensitive skin, it is best to start the practice of testing out the product on your skin before committing to it. Apply the product on a small patch of your skin and wait for 24 hours to see if you have any negative reactions to it.
No to Scents: Products with fragrances, essential oils, or herbal essences are usually too strong to use on sensitive skin, often triggering allergic reactions. Learn to avoid any product with prominent botanical ingredients.
Read Up: Knowing the ingredients of the acne products you put on your skin can save you a lot of trouble. Generally, brief ingredient lists are things you should be on the lookout for, since acne products with long and complicated formulas have more chances to have at least one irritant ingredient hiding in its midst.
Gentle is the Game: Washing your face with gentle products two times a day would be enough for your acne product-sensitive skin. Also, simple routines are best for your skin type—just cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and sunscreen would be enough to cover your daily skincare needs.
Shield with Sunscreen: sensitive skin is more prone to sun damage, as the heat prompts the glands to produce oil that may irritate your skin. Regularly apply sunscreen with a high SPF level to help protect your skin against the harmful effects of the sun.
Avoid the Usual Culprits: Tea tree oil is known to irritate sensitive skin, so you should take caution when it is part of the ingredients of your acne products. Paraben preservatives, alcohol, retinoids, alpha-hydroxy acids, and antibacterial ingredients can all factor in skin irritation, so you should be wary of products that have these ingredients.
Dermas Know Best: If you are clueless about what acne products to use and get, you can consult your dermatologist about what would best suit your skin type.

Your acne may be caused by factors that require medication such as Lactezin. A lot of topical treatments can be harsh on the skin, and addressing the acne problem internally may be the solution you are looking for. Be sure to consult your dermatologist before taking any kind of medicine, as they would be more qualified to prescribe the proper treatment based on your unique medical history.
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If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
ASC Ref No. U082P031521LS