Pro-approved Ways On How To Treat Blackheads and Whiteheads

Unpretty, stubborn, and bothersome. Blackheads and whiteheads are your skin’s enemies that seem to be there for all eternity. You honestly just want to squeeze them, as the peskiness of blackheads and whiteheads appearing, disappearing, and reappearing can be so frustrating. But fret not. Skincare experts have solutions that can help you say goodbye to blackheads and whiteheads–- safely and effectively.
Before treating them, let’s get to know exactly what blackheads are. Blackheads are a mix of oil and dead skin cells sitting in pores. The exposure to air is what causes them to oxidize and turn black. Left untreated, blackheads can cause more serious skin problems like skin inflammation. Given that, the best solution is a professional’s solution. Pro-approved, these are treatments that skin professionals can vouch for. See what the experts recommend.
1. Unclog with Salicylic Acid Scrub
This works especially for mild blackheads. This beta hydroxy acid helps get rid of excess sebum and dead skincells blocking the surface of the skin. A gentle face scrub with salicylic acid does the job of fighting blackheads through its dual exfoliation function: physically exfoliating because of the scrub, and chemically exfoliating because of the salicylic acid content that unclogs pores. If everyday scrub isn’t your thing, the minimum requirement is to just do it at least 3 times a week for oily and combination skin, or once a week for sensitive skin. In the absence of a salicylic scrub, you can also go for gentle salicylic acid cleansers.
2. Renew with Retinoid Cream
This keeps blackheads at bay by lessening the stickiness of dead skin cells that block the pores. It also helps speed up the healing time and regeneration of skin. While retinoid is popular for its anti-aging effects, the truth is, by prompting quick cell renewal, it also helps pores become less prone to clogging, thus preventing the formation of blackheads. The beauty of retinoid cream then is that it’s not only healing, it is also anti-aging.
3. Maintain the Moisture
This is often overlooked by people battling with skin problems. Oftentimes, the question is: why moisturize when skin is already oily and prone to blackheads? It’s because your skincare routine and treatments can strip too much oils that can lead to drying. It is essential to keep your skin’s moisture balance and not send signals to the skin to produce more oils. For people with sensitive skin who find retinoids a bit skin drying, it is best to apply retinoid cream over moisturizers. Always opt for non-comedogenic moisturizers.
4. Say Yes To Oral Acne Solution
If topical medications aren’t enough to address your skin problems, oral acne solutions are often prescribed by skin care experts. These solutions contain a mix of ingredients all working together to address skin problems like inflammation, excess oil production, and susceptibility of the skin to get clogged and infected. They help get rid of blackheads and prevent new ones from forming again. Oral acne medication is often used for people with moderate to severe conditions.
Just like blackheads, whiteheads occur when excess sebum, dirt, and dead skin cells clog the skin pores. The only difference is that clogging happens within the pore; hence there’s no air exposure and no oxidation that blackens the pores. Whiteheads can lead to acne, which is why it’s important to treat them early on. Take note of some of the pro-approved solutions:
1. Goodbye Bacteria with Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide helps get rid of bacteria and excess oils that clog the pores. It can be used as a spot treatment to be applied on affected areas once a day or twice a day once you get used to it. Benzoyl peroxide is also best used for people who have multiple whiteheads in one spot because it effectively minimizes inflammation of skin surrounding the infected area. Opt for products with at least 2% benzoyl peroxide.
2. Vitamin A For Antioxidant
The key to this cream is its antioxidant properties, most popular for promoting new cell turnover and its efficacy in reducing skin redness and inflammation caused by whiteheads. As vitamin A creams tend to make you a bit sensitive to the sun, it is best to use it with sunblock.
3. Naturally, Tea Tree
As whiteheads are effects of clogged pores that make your skin susceptible to skin inflammation, tea tree oil is best recommended by skin experts because of its natural anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. As such, tea tree oil is a safe, potent solution to help clear up pesky whiteheads. Tea tree oil comes in various skincare products such as spot cream treatments, cleansers, and masks.
4. For the Pore: Salicylic Acid
Just as it’s effective in treating blackheads, salicylic acid equally works well for whiteheads by minimizing oil production that tends to clog pores. As it lessens sebum, it also sloughs off dead skin cells that block the skin. Salicylic acid is one of the most pro-approved and recommended ingredients for whitehead treatment. Toners and moisturizers containing this can be used once or thrice daily.
Blackheads and whiteheads are common to most people. However, that does not excuse anyone from ignoring it as it can lead to a more serious skin condition. The earlier the cure, the better. And always, take it from the skin care experts. Start by boosting your skin’s immunity with ingredients that heal, protect, and nourish the skin.
Start with Lactezin. Lactezin [HA1] has Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc working together to keep the skin healthy. Lactoferrin has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that protect the skin from irritation. d -Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate is an antioxidant that effectively wards off skin-damaging free radicals. Zinc maintains the skin’s natural moisture balance to keep its healthy glow. For best results, take Lactezin 2x/day.
Lactoferrin + d-Alpha Tocopheryl Acetate + Zinc is the generic name of Lactezin.
If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
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