Daily Skin Care Tips for Acne Prone Skin

When you have acne-prone skin, you need to have a daily acne care routine. For your particular skin concern, this routine should aim to remove excess oil, keep pores clean, and help your breakouts heal faster.
A daily acne care routine doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. You just need to follow certain guidelines to help keep your skin clean and blemish-free.

Here is a simple guide to creating an acne care routine:
Cleanse thoroughly, but gently.
When your face feels oily or dirty, you may get the urge to scrub or use strong cleansers: don’t! Using a gentle cleanser, wash your face with your fingertips only. Include your neck, jawline, and the front and back of your ears.
Use alcohol-free toner.
Toners can help remove excess oil, and some even have acne-fighting ingredients. Apply a small amount of toner to a cotton pad or ball, then gently smooth over your face and neck. This helps remove leftover makeup, dirt, and oil.
For acne prone skin, alcohol-free toners are recommended because they don’t sting or irritate the skin.
Apply oil-free moisturizers.
Just because your skin is oily doesn’t mean you can skip this important step. Moisturizing may actually help prevent and relieve irritation. For your skin concern, a lighter formula like a gel may be better than heavier cream.

Wear moisturizing sunscreen.
Sun protection is a must no matter what type of skin you have, but heavier formulas may irritate acne-prone skin. For your skin type, the best options are sunscreens with a light liquid base.
On top of your daily acne care regimen, you may also opt to take oral acne medication like Lactezin®. Lactezin® is a clinically tested pimple treatment that contains a breakthrough formulation of natural ingredients such as Lactoferrin, Vitamin E and Zinc. It may help treat pimples and may also help prevent it from recurring.
To learn more about how Lactezin® can help reduce pimples, click here: How it Works
ASC REf. No. I019N081318L, I021N081318L

Cleansing and Moisturizing in Acne Patients
Create the Perfect Acne-Prone Skin Care Routine
By Angela Palmer, reviewed by Casey Gallagher, MD